Writing on the Edge (WOTE) is a virtual conference for adjuncts, contingent faculty, full-time faculty, staff, and anyone else interested in teaching and learning.  Organized by adjunct faculty from the Liberal Arts Division of the College of DuPage, the virtual conference will focus on what we all have learned while teaching remotely, strategies we have found effective, and issues we may face as we move forward.


This year’s conference will be held on Zoom on Thursday, October 7, 2021, and Friday, October 8, 2021.  In addition to a keynote speaker, there will also be several breakout sessions. Please consider facilitating a breakout session. This is your chance to present at a conference about a topic you feel is important. 


Please see this Call for Proposals for details.  Faculty from all disciplines are encouraged to submit proposals dealing with the theme, Post-Pandemic Pedagogy, or any other teaching and learning ideas.


Proposals are due on July 15th.