Tuition costs limiting access to higher eduction for many?

That's not news.  

What's new is Roosevelt University's announcement today.

Tuition reductions for first year students. 

Click here for details. 





Have you served as a school principle?


Are you interested in getting back into teaching?


Would you like to help train educational leaders of the future?


Then consider applying for a Visiting Assistant Professor position at RU


Here is the link with all the information you need to apply.




We at RAFO Hope You Had a Great Holiday Break.


Let's Finish the Year Strong. 


 Reach Out with Your Concerns 


We are Here for You!

Join your adjunct Roosevelt colleagues for the RAFO Fall Membership meeting, to be held WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, at 4:30 pm.
The meeting will be held via Zoom. We will hear from RAFO member Gina Harris, who has also served as a member of the leadership team of RAFO's parent union, the Illinois Education Association (IEA), will join us to talk about the links between higher education and unionism here in IL and elsewhere. There will also be time to talk to RAFO's officers and talk about how this semester is going, and what we can do together to make things better in the Spring semester and beyond.

Joseph Fedorko is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

 Topic: RAFO Fall Membership Meeting
Time: Nov 9, 2022 04:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 865 461 9744