Here are the election results for University governance positions at Roosevelt University. 

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all those who participated.  





Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences





College of Health, Sciences, Pharmacy (Math and Actuarial Science, Computer Science, and Counseling)

Heller College of Business

Joe Fedorko (Senate)

Literature & Language

Eric Bremer (Senate)


Elizabeth Boone (Senate)


Stanford Traywick (Senate)


Daniel Jamieson (College Council)

Organic Chemistry

Cindy Eisenhard (Senate)


Jen Wilson (Senate)

Senate Executive



Jay Fulgencio (College Council)


Jen Wilson (College Council)


(College Council) open

Ami Hicks (College Council)








College of Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences  

 Interim Dean: Regina BuccoLla

Associate Dean:  Anne-Marie Cusac

Associate Dean:  Michael Ensdorf

Assistant Dean: Lily Castillo

Assistant Dean: Jennifer Johnson 

  • Chair, Education: Margaret Policastro  
  • Chair, Law, Society and Sustainability: Mike Bryson 
  • Chair, Humanities: Sandra Frink 
  • Chair, Psychology: Steven Meyers

College of Science, Health, and Pharmacy

Dean: Melissa Hogan

Co-Dean: Kelly Wentz-Hunter

  • Dr. Robert Seiser, Chair for Department of Biological, Physical & Health Science (DBPHS
  • Melanie Pivarski, Chair of Math and Computer Science

On this Labor Day RAFO is grateful


For the advancements made for workers in the past year


And for the solidarity we feel with workers everywhere 


We look forward another year of even more progress


For with Mavis Staples we hope that


"Hard Times Come Again No More." 



RAFO elections for University Senate and College Councils for the 2023-24 academic year are now open. Pursuant to Article 2 B and C of the RU- RAFO contract, each college can elect two representatives to the college council and two representatives to the Senate.


*Due to the restructuring of the colleges, Steve Cohen and RAFO have agreed to change the number of representatives to balance the colleges for representation in this 2023-24 academic year.  The voting is listed below:  This change will be included in the new RAFO contract.


Call for Nominations will be August 29-31

Voting will be open September 5-7

Members are allowed to vote for candidates representing their respective college

Term of Office

The term of office for senators and college council members will be one year beginning the first day of fall semester. All offices extend over the entire academic year regardless of whether the adjunct faculty member is scheduled to teach in both semesters. A single individual may hold both the office of council member and the office of senator if s/he is duly elected to serve in both capacities.

University Senate

Senators will be elected from each college as noted.


College of Humanities, Education, and Social Science:  3 Senators and 2 college councilors

College of Business:  2 Senators and 2 college councilors

College of Health, Sciences, and Pharmacy 2 Senators and 1 college councilor


Senators will be eligible for all elective positions (except those restricted specifically to tenured faculty) and for election by the University Senate to the Board of Trustees. One part-time faculty member who is an elected senator shall be included on the Executive Committee of the Senate.

The University Senate decides all matters that concern the University as a whole that are not the exclusive province of the Board of Trustees and all other matters not specifically delegated to the college councils or to the administration. Meetings are held on both campuses via teleconference from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on the third Friday of the month from September through April.

College Councils

Two members of the adjunct faculty will be elected as a voting member of each college council. One member of the adjunct faculty will be elected in the College of Health, Sciences, and Pharmacy.  These council members will have the right to participate as a non-voting member on the college curriculum committee.

College councils determine policies with regard to college academic matters, including the objectives and content of particular curricula, the improvement of instruction, the grading system, the academic advising of students, requirements for degrees and certificates, course load, student assemblies and programs, scholarships and grants-in-aid, and the orientation of new students and of new staff members.



A2A Conference Schedule of events


Keynote Speech : Mental Health in the Classroom

By Hilary A. Sarat-St. Peter, Ph.D., ECW Department, Columbia College 



Engagement with Response Polling

By Eric Bremer, Ph.D.,BPHS in College of Science, Health, and Pharmacy,

Roosevelt University


A.I.  The New Classroom Technology

By Jose “Jay” Fulgencio, Ph.D, Heller College of Business Marketing,

Roosevelt University


Intentional Teaching

By Elizabeth Boone, Ed.D., Heller College of Business

Roosevelt University


Lunch provided for all participants


Panel Discussion on New Techniques for a Changing World

Led by Cindy Eisenhard, Roosevelt University 

Drawing – Win an I-Pad!


Please RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Joe Fedorko, RAFO Membership Chair, is available for in-person consultation in Aud 855 on Mondays from 10-11 am and 145-300 pm. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Ernie Berman, RAFO Grievance Chair, is available for in-person consultation in Aud 855 on Thursdays from 1230-230. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ami Hicks, RAFO Vice President, is available for consultation via Zoom on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9-12. Email her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to arrange a time and receive a zoom link.


Contact Jeff Seitzer, the RAFO secretary, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have trouble connecting with someone or have other questions.


RAFO Members:

As lead negotiator for the 2020-2024 contract, I am pleased to announce that your negotiating team and Roosevelt University have come to an agreement. RAFO is extremely pleased with the final outcome and we believe you will be, too. The University was adamant on 0% for the first year, but as an offset for that 0%, we negotiated a signing bonus of $150 for each bargaining unit member that taught either in Spring 2020 or will teach in the upcoming Fall 2020 semester. That then takes us into the final three years of the contract where adjuncts will receive a 2% increase for each of those years.

As I hope you can see from the above, RAFO worked hard to ensure that you are rewarded for the professionalism and integrity all have shown during these unusual and trying times. We are attaching a copy of the final contract for you to review and eventually ratify. The areas that appear in green are changes that were made to the verbiage in the contract that will support RAFO during the upcoming 4 years.  Appendix A reflects the 2% increase for each step in the final three years.

A link with the time will be sent next week for all to join this a zoom meeting, where we can answer your questions about the contract.

In closing, we hope you will be as excited as we are regarding the new contract.

In solidarity,

Don Wlodarski and the RAFO team:

Jen Wilson, Joseph Fedorko, Amelia Hicks, Stan Traywick, Mike Pinsoff and Dennis Tucker